Mid Airlines is a Sudan incorporated Air Charter Company which was founded in 2002 with Air Operations Certificate No: 025. We have been in Existence for 17 years and are a duly registered company with the Ministry of Justice-Commercial Registrations Department on Certificate No: 44272. Our Operations span across Africa for Charter Flights (Both PAX and Cargo)
With an Insurance Cover of 1,400,000 USD and vast experience garnered over the years, you can trust us to swiftly meet your Charter challenges diligently and ON TIME!
Experience is what we are!
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Domestic Flights- (by Charter)-Khartoum, Elobaid, Eldain, Zalinge, Kasala, PortSudan, Kenana,Elfashir Marawe, Dongla, Nyala, Elganina, Elmuglad, Kadugli, Heglig, Balela, Damazen, Elgadarif, Elshwak,
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International Operations– (by Charter) Entebbe (Uganda), Juba (South Sudan), Chad, Congo, Nairobi (Kenya), Tanzania, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Dubai (UAE)